museo do mar

The sea-faring past of A Guarda, based on the traditional inshore fishing, brought about a rich heritage, both tangible and intangible. The built heritage can be observed in the architecture and the seafaring district planning, in the maritime façade of the port too, but mostly it can be contemplated in the Museum of the Sea. This building, at the end of the promenade, recalls an ancient defensive fortress with a circular plant, located in the port that was demolished in 1945 to allow the stretching of the enormous nets used by the fishing boats and for take the stone and use it to construct the dock. In 1997 it was rebuilt on the current place. 

The Maritime Museum has two collections: one ethnographic with a sample of old fishing gear and tackle; and other malacological, with a choice of seashells from around the world.

Part of the intangible heritage is complicated in videos released by the Council: “Xentes do mar” (Seafaring People), “Lendas de mar” (Sea Legends), “Mulleres do mar” (Seafarer Women) or “Tesouros Vivos do Mar” (Alive Sea Treasures).

The Interpretation Centre can be visited on weekends and holidays (Feb – Dec):

Opening Timetable:

  • Winter (15/09 to 15/06) 11am – 2pm & 4pm – 7pm

  • Summer (15/06 to 15/09) 11am – 2pm & 6pm – 9pm

Fares (from 22 June 2021):

  • 1,50 € / adult rate
  • 1 € / reduced rate: child (6-14 years), holders of Youth Card and members of large families.
  • Free access: the first Saturday of each month and local festivities (In 2021: 16 July and 23 September).

Click to download: Ordinance for visiting the Museums of A Guarda.