FESTAS DO MONTE: 2nd week in August

Festa do monte
  • In 2024: From 05/08 to 15/08
  • Where: A Guarda (municipality)
  • Organizer: Asociación Veciñal Cultural e Deportiva ALAMEDA
  • Noteworthy: Varied activities program with three main events: Folkloric Parade on Saturday 12th; Romería (traditional family feast in the mountain with folk music & dancing) in the Santa Trega Mountain on Sunday 11th; and farewell of the festivity with fireworks at the port on Monday12th.

Galician Festivity of Tourist Interest

This festival already with more than one-hundred-year-old is one of the significant festivity on the region. During one week different cultural and sports events attract hundreds of visitors, the nights, reserved for the entertainment, are livened up with the music and open-air dancings.

One of the principal events is the Saturday’s Folkloric Parade, in which thousands of people attend to enjoy the regional costumes and the folk music of the bagpipes bands and guest folk dancing groups who fill up the streets with music & dance in their way. It also stands out the twenty bandas mariñeiras (seafarer bands), the real protagonist of the festivity, with its different rhythms played with the drums and snares drums, make this parade unique. These bandas mariñeiras, the families and visitors go slope up to the Santa Trega Mountain on Sunday morning to celebrate together the most important date of the calendar in A Guarda, the traditional Romería. The bandas mariñeiras spread out in the summit of the mountain, create in a lively atmosphere playing the traditional instruments, their sound can be heard ceaselessly in the whole town all day long, and even night.



  • In 2024: From 05/07 to 07/07
  • Where: A Guarda Fishing Port
  • Organizer: A Guarda Council
  • Noteworthy: In the marquee located at the port esplanade can be tasted all of the seafarer dishes.

Galician Festivity of Tourist Interest

The appreciated quality of the A Guarda typical cuisine came into the first edition of the Spiny Lobster Festival, in 1991. From that moment the large turnout of people is beginning to make the festival a great success.

As years go by the festival went more significant, and a wide range of different varieties of sea products and traditional sweets become part of the feast, allow to put on the array supplied reaching all of the tastes. In this way, the values of the festival are still increasing.

At the port is set up a 1000 m² marquee displayed with tables and chairs for the visitors can savour the spiny lobster and other dishes comfortably. Each year the all-the-family activities and spectacles boost significantly with a wide range of varied program with music performances, sport & cultural events, children’s entertainment, etc.

SWORDFISH FESTIVAL: last weekend in July

  • In 2024:  July
  • Where: A Guarda (municipality)
  • Organizer: ORPAGU
  • Noteworthy: In some restaurants can be tasted a wide range of dishes made with swordfish.

The fishing is one of the most critical parts of the A Guarda incomes, and our swordfish fleet represents the 40 % of this fleet in Spain. This gastronomic event, recovered after a few years, had been created to put this fish on the spot and also to underline the fishing.

During the weekend can be tasted grilled swordfish and other dishes. Furthermore, there are technique conferences, cultural events and music for everyone; and also activities for the children.


FLOWERS CARPETS’ HOLIDAY (El Santísimo, “Blessed Sacrament”)

Fiesta de las alfombras
  • In 2024: 1 & 2 June
  • Where: at the Old Town & Port
  • Organizer: Parish and neighbouring groups
  • Noteworthy: The effort made in the previous weeks and a long work night become into these beautiful floral carpets.

The following weekend after the Corpus Christi Feast, these traditional carpets made with fresh flowers decorate the streets, as the culmination of a whole working month.

During the Saturday night until the daybreak, the neighbours are elaborating these spectacular decorations on streets of the old town and the port, notice that the closest one to the sea is made with coloured salt. The neighbours and people interested in work all night long, from wee hours until the early morning. On Sunday we can be looking at this flowery carpets with colourfully designs just until the Santisimo’s Procession walks on them (before 7:00 PM).


Regata de la Virgen del Carmen
  • In 2024: 15 & 16 July
  • Where: A Guarda Fishing Port
  • Organizer: Virgin of Carmen Festivity Commission
  • Noteworthy: This is an old traditional feast, due to which the Virgin of Carmen Day, 16 July is a local holiday in A Guarda.

This festivity is deeply-rooted between the seafarers, as in other coastal municipalities. A Guarda celebrates the Our Lady of Mount Carmel’s Day, 16 July, with a Solemn Mass (Liturgy) and the traditional floral offering for the shipwrecked and the deceased on the sea. Besides the religious acts, stands out on Virgin’s Eve a pretty famous open-air dance and a rock concert the previous Saturday. During the evening of July 16th, young locals compete in the Gameliñas Regatta (“gamela” is the traditional coastal oar fishing boat in A Guarda, the “gameliñas” are small “gamelas”).


Romería de Santa Trega
  • In 2024: 23 September
  • Where: Santa Trega Mountain
  • Organizer: Clamour Fraternity
  • Noteworthy: this festivity is a local holiday, as a deep-rooted celebration.

The Virgin of Santa Trega is A Guarda’s patron saint, so we have an essential religious tradition in the region. During the morning it celebrates masses and after the procession in honour of the Virgin start the traditional biddings of products offered to the saint. Afterwards, the families have an open-air lunch on the mountain (romería).


2024: 9 June San Antonio Festivity
2024: 2, 3 & 4 August San Caetano Festivity
2024: 18 August San Roque Festivity
2024: 6, 7 & 8 September Virgin of A Guía Festivity
2024: September Virgin of As Mercedes